Saturday, July 16, 2011

we all as humans destroy ourselves in the end, what will you choose?

"But i dont like the taste of cigarettes" she said

" Well then what about alcohol eh? Alcoholics are just a bundle of fun!"

"...but it tastes like hot piss..."

" well then lets go old school with it then. Drugs are like the carnival of self destruction."

"but i hate being dizzy! it makes my stomach hurt."

" WELL if you dont want to fill your lungs with tar and poison,turn your nose up to pickling your insides with liquor, and are too much of a baby to handle alittle spin with herion then how in the hell do you plan on killing yourself?!"

" I'll starve."

current weight: 97.2 pds
goal weight: 88 pds
do you want to know the worst part? knowing im exactly one weeks worth of starving away from my ultimate goal, but being to weak and fucking pathetic to make it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, it's Alice...I hate having to hide my identity! It's Kii damit! This is my blog now.

    I love this post! Did you make this up or is it a quote? I love it! I can identify perfectly.
