Monday, October 24, 2011


new backround. new start.
 i realized the cold setting wasnt bringing me in, it was bringing me down. so i updated my blogger home to something Warm.
  it was brought to my attention recently that i suck, at like EVERYTHING lol. but especially the things that  i cherished most, such as writing poetry and art. well yeah i can let the art thing go, it became a distant love right around the time i had a child and said child consumed my everything. i dont really miss it, but the writing, gah i took pride in that, and to be told it was childish, novice, and overtly cliche broke my heart. the worst part was that i agree with them. so im at a cross roads, i can either:
push on, try to get better, expand my horizons and submerge my everything into perfecting the art of words.
or i can stick to what im naturally proficient at, such as starving and reading.
both are a great way to spend ones free time if i do say so myself.
my weight right now is horrifying, so no matter what i need to remedy that. but the real thing i guess im asking is, if i do decide to pursue writing, would you girls help me by commenting on what is good/bad about it. i trust your opinions a hell of alot more than some over paid college professor whos only goal is to drown me in rules.

luvs yoos! meg
listening to Florence and the Machine. luvs it toos!


  1. its funny you mention that your heart was broken by being told that your writing was childish etc... As a teen I loved writing poems, got told they sucked by a guy, was ruined. I FEEL like an artist but I don't know how to MAKE art. I decided recently to take a writing class or two, and also to take more photoshop classes. I guess I always thought I should just be able to create art if I'm naturally an artist. But I have too many blockages for a variety of reasons. I think classes can help me. But I agree about the overpaid college stuff--that's why I only take "personal enrichment" classes on line through the community college haha.

    I will give you my honest opinion on your writings kay.

  2. I love your writing (your blogging)! When I found leak I went through and read every entry (is that weird?) And that professor sounds like shit. Childish? My hardest professor is always pushing me, never giving me an A, what I write is never good enough. But it's how he makes students better writers, always having higher expectations. But that comes with constructive criticism and a list of demands. Criticism that you can work with. A dead end insult is NOT what he is getting paid to do for students.

    Write! And find someone who pushes you and frustrates you and makes you be better.

    And please share here :)

  3. I used to follow you long ago @ leak. I took a year blogging break. I'm hopping by to see who is still on this crazy ride of ana / mia.
    Hope you are doing well.
